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Sign In with your username and password
Important Note :
Please choose the "LISTED" profile if you would like to list your business in our Directory for patients to find you.
1. The only students allowed are: Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Students. NO OTHER STUDENTS.
2. Only Psychiatric nurse practitioner students, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatrist have access to the forum whether listed or not listed. THE FORUM IS FOR THEM.
3. Psychotherapists ( social workers, psychologists, etc) will not have access to the forum even if they are listed. THEY ALL HAVE TO BE LISTED. OTHERWISE THERE IS NO NEED FOR THEM TO BE THERE.
Price of Packages
Psychotherapists - $15.99/Month
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Student - $5.99/Month
Psychiatrist/PMHNP/Therapist (Not Listed) - $10.99/Month
Psychiatrist/PMHNP/Therapist (Listed) - $15.99/Month